Friday, March 30, 2007
gonna talk abt sat n sunday? yupp gt fever n sore throat. head was really like gonna split apart liao. kip lying down on bed, felt really weak. then place ice cubes on my forehead on sunday. it sucks like hell! its really painful! n my tears kip fallin down. felt super xin ku la. wanna slam my head against e wall lol. then at nite felt much betta. no more ice cubes!! yay so happi.
mon? yupp. hmm, went 2 causeway 2 meet wanlin at first. we ate sushi 4 our lunch! yummy! keke. then met pg n went 2 causeway lib. then aft a while wanlin's meimei came. yupp, then i taught her sis core geog n amaths. then pg maths. was really scared that i teach them wrong one or i dunno how 2 do e questions. hmm, turned out quite okay? yea. then went eat pasta 4 dinner!! wit wanlin n her sis. nice! but i not much appetite coz of my throat.
so went home! lol!
tuesday.. i a biit 4gt wad i did. guess jus slackin at home. lol.then talked on phone wit wanlin, pg n pg's bro. hmm quite fun i should say. then wanlin told mi scary things agn!! this time concerning mi! wan die ar! lol! okayy, then made plans 4 tml.
so wed, met wanlin at city hall. i tot was gonna be realy late so msged her 2 say i'll be REALLY LATE. turned out we arrived on e same time! on same train keke. then chatted n make ourselves wen ding! lol! hmm, then pg came. andy couldn't make it. he went out wit his.. erhemm. lol. hmm, so we went funan find pg bro. then wanlin's kor came a while. hmm, then ltr we went eat lunch. didnt hav much of appetite. partly was due 2 my sore throat. hmm, quite sian la, like nthn 2 do liddat. then went orchard taka wit wanlin n drank BLACK FOREST! woo!!! so nice!!!! yay n fun!!! but it worsened my throat sia. =p
yupp n so i went home, my fever came back. n my throat was really swollen. hmm, so had 2 cancel e outing wit wanlin, pg n his kor on thurs 4 e movie. so thurs morn my cousin, her fren, wanlin n mi went 2 sp buy laptops. then saw wanlin's kor there. realised that he was in e same calss as myrin n her fren. omg! really omg like siao. its like, SG IS SO SMALL! cant believe it. hmm, then i called wanlin dar, then e lady beside us, we tink she tinks that we'll les! omg! so scary! cannt call her dar in public, ltr ppl gets e wrong idea! lol! OKAY IM A NORMAL GIRL LOL!
ltr on wanlin pei mi go c doctor, then gt my medicine. but e doctor like nvr say much leii. jus prescribe mi medicine. then stay at sp a while. wanlin made a decision la, aft tinking of it 4 so long. so sent pg tt msg. yupp, so hope he wont be too sad la. hope he understands ya.
yupp so tts all. thanks wanlin 4 accompanyin mi! u rock gurl!
ya so thats all. byiiee!
* my S H A T T E R E D dreams_
12:20 PM
Saturday, March 24, 2007
helloSs. twin, i started this post wit helloSs agn! lol!
so gonna talk abt wed, yupp. that day went out with wanlin n cheryl at first. hmm, i was late! v late! oops sry gals! so we went 2 hav our lunch at taka basement. ate e jap noodles! so nice! yummy yummy! feel like eatin it agn!!!!! then pg [ parental guidance lol! ok la is ping guo =p] msged say he reach le so we went 2 far east! then met up wit pg n andy halfway 2 far east. hmm, they were like shy shy one, n so were we. keke.
went 2 shop 4 wanlin's clothes, bought a shirt from 77th street! so nice! i wanna buy e white one! lol. when she was tryin was like dun dare go out coz she scared e guys c. soooo... hehe, she opened e door n cheryl n mi jumped rite into e fitting rm n c how her shirt. lol! e sales assistant look at us wit a funny look. bleahh.
hmm, then went 2 plaza sing 2 meet pg's bro n his fren. then e atmosphere was like better. hahaz, like, how do i put it? more lively eh? yupp, then went play pool. first time 4 wanlin n me. lol! cheryl so pro sia! ooo... hmm, so pg's bro taught wanlin n mi, i tink he wan tu xie liao. we usually end up in fouls! i tink e guys v pro la, hai yo. cher, wanlin n mi in one grp against 1 of e guys, sometimes 2. then like in e end they win le we still hav 5 or more balls left. omg. so shi bai sia. then kip tellin wanlin we bai lei 2 this team! lol! aiyo, but really sorry 2 u guys, i noe u all taught us until wan tu xie le lol. anyway, pool is fun! aha.
so tt day was basically fun haha. thanks 4 e treat ya!
so on thurs went out 2 meet wanlin n cheryl, i was early! ooo! yay! haha, then went 2 buy breakfast from breadtalk. went 2 e clinic e cheryl's medical check, they told us 2 go bck at 2. ahh!!! lol. went heeren walk walk then cine 2 hav our lunch. lunch was nice! but i was too full ahhh! ltr on shop in cine aha. then went on 2 e clinic.
nid 2 w8 v long, then e nurse "chase" wanlin n mi out. haha too mani ppl outside sitting down liao. so we went taka buy coffee bean de drink. walked all e way from somerset 2 orchard. fun i should say =) bought black forest! so nice!!!!! we shared haha. fun! then walk n drink so fun!
bought bubble tea 4 cheryl, then went amk. waved gdbye 2 cheryl n went amk hub e shoppin mall 2 meet fiona n elaine. first time c them wear aj uni! so cute! lol. bought some food eat. yupp, in basement so mani food stalls! wow!! yummy! wanna eat all sia! oops, i too tan chi le. =p
then shop, wanlin n mi bought 2 pairs of earrings then exchange. so in e end same keke. was fun la.
anyway, actually 2dae onli sore throat, then aft being in air con rm too long gt fever liao. feeling quite terrible.. ahh, but nvm la, tink will be ok soon. hope my brain dun get burnt! so scary.. yupp feelin really cold now.. sian diao.. but still can be happi n chat lol! yay =)
hmm, dunno if can go out wit wanlin on monday anot, hope 2 be well! wanna so much 2 go out wit her! fun! aha. yea n frens, thanks 4 ur concerns. i appreciate it la really.
* my S H A T T E R E D dreams_
11:00 PM
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
sat went out to cheryl's hse bbq! omg her hse's so bigg! haha, so firstly, we saw her cat! omg. okie, then quickly went up 2 her rm, but her cat quite ting hua lol. spent abt 2 hrs plus takin pics n listenin 2 hana kimi songs. then went down 2 basement 2 watch hana kimi last epi. quite bored coz i watched be4 le! but still fun watchin wit them!hehe.
ltr on wanted 2 go toilet, then i came out n sheena went in. cheryl n elaine was screamin that e cat was in e kitchen! n that was where i happened 2 be at. omg! i was stunned sia! then i screamed like siao. gt a really big urge 2 ask sheena open e toilet door let mi in n hide! lol! then when e cat move abiit away i quickly dashed out sia. heng ar lol. then elaine asked cheryl 2 bring e cat out of kitchen ltr sheena scared. then we all tot she wont scared de so nvm. then when she came out, she screamed! lol! so funni! laughing like mad sia..
ltr on we went bbq haha. e fire so hot sia. but was fun! roasted marshmallows wit choco so nice! then tot of making a choco heart on a plate.

guess who r these? hu's hu?

wow yummy yummy!

i made de heart. a biit out of shape hor? =p

wanlin joined in...

e final piece! must laminate ok! keke.
darrSx -->
la la love
fio, sheena, twin, mi. wl photographer. behind e red gal is cheryl! dun tink y y ! lol
twinSx bang bang
marshmallows de colour so nice! white! my fav! omg, looks so nice! i wanna eat agn..
ltr in cheryl's rm, something happened! haha then onli sheena, wl n mi knows. we were like laughing madly! stomach so pain! yupp so ltr on aft we ate we went home at ard 9 plus. so late sia keke. then pei wanlin w8 4 her bus. v fun were talkin keke.
when we were on e bus, was talkin abt scary things aha. so scary sia. then gt one ah ma tapped sheena, she cua tio n jumped up! lol! did i mentioned she screamed too? ahaha.. then sheena was like kip apologising 2 e ah ma. haha e ah ma so cute n nice! sheena so funni sia!
ltr walked home alone was v scared. then ping guo kip tellin mi scary things! so bad la.. i guess im too timid lol. reached home then actually wanted 2 sleep, but dun dare coz mum n sis not home, so chatted on phone wit ping guo. hmm, ya n he continued 2 scare mi lor. but actually talk abt a lot of things v funni lol. then finally mum n sis came home! yay finally sis home can sleep wit mi. then she say i v lame dun dare 2 sleep. omg, my sis is so brave! braver than mi... dotss..
e next day i talked on phone wit wanlin.. haha, told her abt tt n she say wan help mi scold pg 4 scaring mi! haha dardarr 2 e rescue! waha. v fun sia talk abt a lot of things hehe. tt day sunday, was rotting at home.. haha played musical instrument. i dunno how 2 spell my musical instrument coz i scared spell wrong! keke, wanted 2 learn 2 play n sing. but so hard 2 play! ahhh! then at nite cant sleep, so boon kiat called mi n chat since he also cant sleep. we chatted until 2am liddat. e next morn wake up so tired sia! n he still hav 2 wake up at 7. ke lian.. i asked him abt sp a lot of things la, senior lol. realised tt sp not tt strict! i so happi yay! then found out his skool of IT is jus next 2 my skool of business.
hmm, then next morn talk 2 wanlin agn. so funni! not gonna disclose wad we talk abt! its highly confidential! wahahaha. but hor, last time kel told mi that talk on phone too much will hav bad effects. ahhhh! how? i talk so long sia, i love talkin on phone. waaa.. maybe i try 2 talk lesser? hmm.. hope so =) so my phone records? i like v talkative hor? hmm?
so wed n thurs gonna go out. yay had enough of rotting at home. hmm, wrote letter 2 wl ytd, hands so pain haha. wed gonna gib her, wonder if she can reply by thurs! lol! hmm, gonna shop 4 her clothes? dunno if i wanna buy more clothes anot. but like so sian coz i bought so mani le. kip c-ing until head so dizzy lol. haha but help wl buy clothes v fun! but her clothes v hard 2 find sia.
actually e story hor already gt new chap liao.. but i kip forgettin 2 post it up. hehe then 2dae maybe no more time 2 post..
ya n skool is starting soon! v scared sia, like a stranger 2 e skool. then dunno anyone in same course. but at least, same skool as myrin =) hope tt all will be well ya =)
n i miss talkin 2 sl n yj! so long nvr c u 2 hor.. tink u 2 n sheena coming my hse on sunday? keke sounds fun! looking 4ward ya! maybe if i happi i go out bring u all la! lol! okie, miss u gals loads!
* my S H A T T E R E D dreams_
2:06 PM
Thursday, March 15, 2007
hmm okie talk abt e class chalet on tue? keke, was fun la heh. met yj n xq at yishun then went 2 nyjc 4 xq's withdrawal. then went 2 pasir ris met stella. got a lot ppl ask us buy towels 4 them lol! so forgetful huh..!
took e bus n yupp we missed one stop. so we walked back 2 that first bus-stop! zhen shi de! haha then vivian, momo, zh, daph, jus was there waiting 4 us. so happi 2 c them! then chat chat chat, went up 2 e room. wow e room so nice n v v v cold! hahaha.
so went dwn 2 bbq, n my twin kor[alvin] wore e same colour shirt as mi! omg, purple! so nice lor e colour, dunno y they say is international gay colour! lol! keke, then he kip jokin la, v funni haha. then went up 2 watch hana kimi! then 8 went down agn. cook cook eat eat. they all kip crackin jokes haha v fun.
so then june came wit her bf! haha everyone kip askin abt her n him. keke. then we went up 2 play poker. haha at first is play cheat! keke, i cheat quite a lot of times! sometimes alvin help mi, he noe i cheatin, then he act blur! lol. good kor! then e guys kip saying wenqi always cheat one! lol. so funny! ltr in e game momo n shimin kip catchin mi cheatin! zhen shi de. then left wenqi n mi! wahahaha tu xie!
then was sad 2 leave la but still hav 2 leave. so say bb 2 them all n went home! okie, so i board e train n i missed 3 stops! okie, then i was in tiong bahru, then take train bck. so lame!!! then in e end reached home v late at ard 12.45? so tired sia lol.
anyway was a fun day! okie then i gt e SP de letter! gt so mani things nid 2 do! i suppaaa sian now. then by 16march must mail liao. wahhhhhhh.. so ma fan. then still must go medical check. still nid go bank n blar blar blar... okie so im v bz now! haha.
* my S H A T T E R E D dreams_
7:00 AM
Saturday, March 10, 2007
i moved into my new hse! haha, now abiit get used liao.. still abiit strange sometimes. keke, my internet finally ok 2 use liao, so happi!
so thurs went out 2 amk 2 meet wanlin, elaine n cheryl. were planning 2 go amk polyclinic 2 get elaine de mc. as usual, she pon skool! lol! but then have 2 wait v long so she abolished e thought. we met so early!!!!
then went 2 cine 2 buy e tics 4 happily n'ever after. be4 e movie, we went steak hse 4 lunch. nice hehe, but v full lei. v fun too! hahaha. watched e movie halfway, then ping guo msg say he is andy. then andy msg say he is ping guo. i was tinkin, they nthn 2 do ar? lol! super lame! but v funni also i kip laughin. anyway, e movie was really, ehh, lame? haha, its super kiddy! like 4 kids one sia. but quite!!! nice.. haha.
ltr went 2 pasir ris cycle!!!! hooray! was really fun haha. we saw a big big big big black dog in front of us! suddenly all stopped lol. e dog like dun wan 2 go liddat, then we also dun dare 2 walk pass it. i suddenly realised i was screaming when e dog came 2 us! almost! then he suddenly go off. then dun dare cycle liao, go return bike. haha anyway was plannin 2 return ard tt time. v scared of tt dog lor! then gt some guys still kip clappin their hands 2 make e dogs go 2 them. omg.
then on e way bck took twin pics wit elaine! haha. coz we both wearin e same type of shorts, then white shirt. hha, then wanlin lend mi her bag which is same as elaine's, then took e pic! haha so fun! can go frenster c my twin sister! haha. she v cute one, look like e action city tt toy! lol.
then e twins kip walkin to one busstop 2 another, then wanlin n cheryl dun wan! haha so funni, then we waited in e bus stop aft them. when we board e bus then saw them, " wa long time no c eh?" v fun lei, kip walkin n walkin hahaha. then bought bubble tea, then they also gt buy things 2 eat. then off we go home! fun!
okie, so fri i went out too. this time is go wit kel 2 buy sh de present. went 2 pass ping guo de present 2 wanlin n cheryl, met them in heeren! haa. wanlin was carryin a winnie e pooh! omg, v cute! then i kip on playin wit it. okie, then talk a while. anyway, i tink e present like quite girly sia,. dunno if he will like anot. =P bu shi gu yi de! keke, then a lot of times bump into wanlin n cheryl, wanlin say sometimes is she follo us de, some is yuan fen. lol! i v happi 2 c them anyway, like c them suddenly gt a lot of things wan 2 say! went 2 mrt stat also saw them sia. omg. wanlin kip spyin on mi!!! ahhh, i wan divorce wit her! lol =p
we went from heeren 2 cine then 2 city hall 2 suntec, wa n i tink there v complicated. i walk until wan siao liao. then finally bought e present! then went 2 sp buy e card. hmm, then i buy my dinner from e food fair. heng i called my mum then found out she in mac! omg, haha then fastr say bb 2 kel then i go in mac find her. i tink she will xiang y y when she c mi n a guy? then i will go nuts liao hahaha.
then i went home n watch huan zhu ge ge agn! haha gonna watch finish liao! then at nite can use com le so i use 2 chat. but cannt dl e maple patch. feel like playin wit kor n star! ytd at nite suddenly rmb gt class chalet. i tink going on e 13th. hai, like kip going out sia. abiit sian liao. hope will be fun ba.
hee, i noe how 2 play e chorus of 1 song from hana kimi de liao. recorded it! then let wanlin listen next time haha. i tink i used 45mins 4 it. must kip on record n del coz sometimes i play wrong note. must be perfect! haha. anyway, i wanna learn more songs. play n sing? lol! like v fun.
i gt into sp accountancy! haha, really happi! but i v sad coz no one same course as mi sia. but happi though, cuz myrin, wanlin n kel in sp! haha gt 3 frens in sp! hooray!
ps: tank rocks!! now playin is tank de song from hana kimi de =)
okie so gonna end this entry!
* my S H A T T E R E D dreams_
12:50 PM